Is Your Roof Causing Problems Inside Your Home?

Ice damming on Toronto roof

Ice damming on Toronto roofIs your roof leaking?  One of the places where mold loves to grow is in the attic, where a leaky roof is often the culprit.  Even if your roof isn’t causing problems now, if it’s several years old you should consider adding it to your annual inspection checklist.

The roof of your home needs timely maintenance, repair and replacement for comfortable living.  With the changing seasons, and sometime extreme weather, the roof on a Toronto home is subject to some severe conditions.  It’s important to periodically inspect the condition of your roof and take remedial measures  in time to avoid costly repairs, which usually result in neglecting to “nip the problem in the bud”. Unnoticed, small leaks from the roof can make their way into the attic and down the walls of your home. Mold growth, damaged floors, furniture and carpets are usually the result. Periodic checks should be carried out so you can spot signs of trouble before they get out of hand.

Check out this neat infographic courtesy of The Phoenix Roofing Team to help you determine if your roof needs replacing.


1.     Check the external appearance of the roof at the top joints for any cracked or torn portion or any missing plates or pieces.

2.     Have a close look at the roof for any loose sheet or gap around chimney, vents, pipes or other protrusions from the roof.

3.     Look for the presence of granules from the roof at the bottom of drain pipes. They look like large grains of sand.

4.     Inspect the drainage and confirm that gutters and drain pipes are firmly secured and passages are not blocked.

5.     Make sure that vent pipes from kitchen, bath and drier are completely outside of the home.

6.     Make sure that the roof is not sagging anywhere.

7.     Check for any signs of leakage of water.

8.     Check for any dark spots and trails.

9.     Check for any hole through roof (outside light visible from under the roof).