Roofing Problems Can Lead To Mold And Water Damage In Your Home

Leaves fill and block gutter in Toronto home

Did you know that problems with your roof can lead to water damage in your basement?  Not only that, it can also lead to water and mold damage throughout your attic as well as the rest of your home if left untreated.

When it comes to water leaks in the basement, often times it’s the result of a damaged eaves troughs or improper/inadequate water channeling away from the home.  Poor ventilation, improper attic temperatures/insulation and damaged shingles can also lead to the development of mold and water damage in the attic.

Below is an infographic that outlines 5 common roofing problems that if left untreated, can lead to water and mold problems throughout your home.



Have questions about water leaks or mold damage in your Toronto home?  Feel free to contact us, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.